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About Me

I am a mother of loss to the adoption industry, circa 1976. The adoption was forced on me by my parents, closed, and never spoke of again. It took me 35 years to come out from under that cloak of darkness, search for my son, and find my voice (and my son!). It's been a tough journey since I did this in 2012, but oh so very worth it. I can finally hold my head up high, speak my truth, and live a real existence without hiding behind misplaced emotions and angry thoughts. I'll never "get over it" - as many would like for me to do - but I have learned to look for the light, love my family and friends, and be free of the guilt and anguish that surrounded me for so many years. I have a wonderful husband who has stood by me every step of the way, beautiful and supportive daughters, and a son that I am gaga over! Plus two dogs!


  1. I found my first son in Jan., 2012, and stepped out of the adoption fog and 44 years of repression and secrecy. Living the truth has been transformative. There is no need for shame, which is what drove us underground in the first place, and I refuse to be silenced any longer.

    1. Good for you Pam! The silence is so oppressive and the truth so healing. It's like the difference between daylight and darkness.
